January 4, 2013

  • we are not the


    sounds in the noise 

    rather we are the song of the universe echoing 

    to many of the famous people in our lives are just those who make a sound rather then a song…is it the artiest or the system to blame or is it the listener’s for failing to demand something better then a set of sound we have come to call music…. rather than a song we all know is felt by all who hear it…

    i too fall prey to this many times…but once i take the sounds apart…most of the time it is just a bunch of sounds that look like a song…a hymn about hymns…i do not say it is bad…i am just not going to call it music

December 24, 2012

  • when they say the glass is half empty…just make bubbles

    apollo the one who works from afar 
    know eye am truly of croaked smoke
    the kind that seeps into yews
    breathing into specs of moons
    giving sight to the hills of curved thoughts

    rived from the dawn of a son of a sun
    within the hues of beams in light
    that is the crescent smile of luna
    healer of the mirrored path
    ebbed into dreams

    from this poet resting upon the limestone steps
    listening to zephyrs woe the blades of evergreen
    bending to the dew of mourning of tears
    as the dawn of his journey’s current
    is of muddy torrents brushing him in ebbs
    the spiders of his past stalk in the silence

    he sink further into soil
    whispering to the leaves
    of a life never boiled in passion
    but ever the cup filled to the brim
    with clever whims of compassion

May 27, 2011

  • bob plays with ink

    ‘in the hour of sleep i am whole… when awake there are just too many faces… to many lines….too many characters…. i have always known my weakness… or rather what would burn away my body….. it is being around people…. the more people i am around for long periods of time i  burn more energy…..soon i will have no spare energy to burn and my body will fail me….but that is the fate of all men of my line….none of us have strong bodies… just either strong wills or great dreams”

December 23, 2010

  • on the dawn of my 28th year

    ™Deyja of the omens™


    - – A D&D stone roll Die 111- -

    a man of my word

    though my sense of time

    if not my sense of life

    differs from one

    side of the die

    to the other

    images paint my mind

    yet my limbs are like trees

    driven by the winds

    to sway in bursts of art

    yet as a mind wills the vvill

    there must be order

    a spell one can summon

    to cast upon the witness

    beauty in an instant

    within an encased

    state of being

    yet always these enchanted chants feel the most hollow

    when one merely longs to sing a hymn worthy

    of one’s muse…


    the will of time swaying the hourglass

    spinning the bottle with fate

    as a kiss with a mortal

    coils at the edge

    of the twenty seventh

    moon as eighth

    races across


    as the


    a morning

    of another


    as the hands speak

    in motion

    a voice repeats

    she loves me”


    the tao of palms

    circles rolled of colours

    as the year closes

    into the dragon’s winter

    a hallow solstice

    as this hollowing

    of a soul searches for

    a root to boil

    in a spiraling tea

    as the leaf that is

    ferries ones hopes

    across these uni-verses

    veils we share

    as threads


    what tides lie

    before the foaming

    surf of our

    wondering youth


    our wandering wisdom


    when I close the door

    eye never turn around

    on the 28th year they notice

    that the web eye had sewn

    to guard them from

    the cosmic bombardment

    was removed on my 26th

    as the whole of the 27th

    remains a mystery

    without a hope

    eye left them

    fore in our



    in youthful


    eye had learned

    their dreams



    yet they only


    eye was a strange tree

    but perfect strangers

    can name that fact of me

    so eye left wondering

    if I had close friends

    or am eye just close

    to everyone eye




    hope for a counter point

    to my almost assuredly

    absurd narrowing



    at a moments notice

    fore I live to be surprised

    so I have to follow my guts

    & dream that eye am wrong


    - – arrow digits – -

    live as if the shadow will never reach you

    know that time will arrive when the hood

    lingering before the threshold is our blood

    as the rage we wielded will meet

    with the passion we passed

    through our veins

    one grasp rise above the crown

    as the breath of the universe

    inhales into a stilled

    silence as the parting

    draws one to point

    away from the center

    falling curved

    as heaven’s bow

    the archer


    the dawn


    a day moon”



    - – de 28th kata – -

    when you are free you will know how caged the rest of them are

    you shy away from touch

    shielding and sheathing your embrace”

    building a being worthy of death

    as the cost of a life paid in lives never escapes you

    build a mind that can find humanity again

    build a frame that will

    sea one through the oceans

    of sense’s gluttony

    when one burns keep enduring till there is no air left

    give pain no heirs to rob you of your future glory

    speak of bare hands but know

    one is always a swordsmen within

    the order of poets resting

    under the shade of a willows

    wielding the arrows of destiny

    dancing the steps of the tao

    motions of the bending river’s

    mouth to gravity’s breath

    circles circles circles

    the shape of one

    to reach


    from a dot to a line

    from a line to curve

    from a curve to a whole

    from a whole to a hole

    always circles

    yet ones destiny

    can be any shape

    as the warrior


    the shapes

    before us





    to be


    what shape

    one needs

    to be


    and finally

    happy birthday

    to me…


October 27, 2010

  • October


    I had asked the universe if I had found my new muse

    but as I enter further down her clouds parting her lure

    from her image as the music of her speech sews into visions


    of a light of a life caught in a pause searching for connections

    that will help unfold the feelings for the universe

    she so earnestly seeks to share with each ripple

    on this rain riddled lake we all exist in


    for a being who seeks she willingly

    she does not arm herself


    as it is war

    she is really entering


    a war with self”


    to thin the needless habits

    from the characters within


    that make us

    whole rather than just

    a gathering of holes


    stand above the crowd

    if one seeks the crown

    but she is a “lover”

    so no heart for a fight


    as a boy it comes to me without real thought

    the base roar of the hunt to always seek a better path

    thankfully I was never fond of the physical world so …

    I built my psyche


    I armed my sense of reason and morals forming a sword…

    I used my empathy

    and humanity to form a shield….


    with it all I formed a life with a point

    as a life has no point but the one one gives it….

    I have taken so now it is eye who must give


    she is not ready to be a muse

    I can draw all I want from her

    but she does not know

    what it is she can take from me

    so the exchange is not fair


    why must it be fair

    fore it is a river

    if the flow does not match

    the current of melt

    then all we end up with

    is a deep lifeless



    - – tea minus six as stems of bob bursting through the surface of the soil appear though only still below the guard of green blades of grass – -

    the dry eye of reason

    tears through sight’s lies

    as before us there

    blooms a lady


    a woman

    she needs


    then eye can offer

    yet what eye



    has no way

    to deny


    her history

    with all its

    wounded flutes

    or morning



    by fates






    told to me

    in moments

    of odd conversations

    which is what

    eye have


    a master of


    I have spoken of eye yet have yet to give her the glass slipper that would make my intentions as clear as sand struck by the inspiration of thunder….crystal would be the view if she took a moment to pause and listen to me…yet I am spoiled by the first muse…..she offered me an even exchange we took nothing and gave nothing but time…..it was a full circle…from sand to crystal to sand again…..yet I must move on with my path…..as one has to wonder if eye can be anything more then the sum of my musings…

    I know what would make my voice sing

    but I want a different song

    I love the sound she brings out of me

    but……one must keep wandering

    fore in being the dog with freedom

    I was to go from place to place

    from one view to another

    never to stay merely

    to witness


    as I had feared

    she had become

    my earth

    a soil I could

    fall too if not fore

    yet I seek to

    soar as

    a son


    a sun

    so eye must turn

    drawing future sparks

    into the spheres

    but I will find a way to return to her who will claim the title of first

    fore she even just the memories of our last if not only time drinking together

    eye knew fate had placed me right where this dog with freedom could call

    a home”


    in being

    the essence of self

    eyes pressed to soil

    as palms feel

    the pulse


    a spiraling earth

    mirrors in the fog

    as windows appear

    off within the specs

    flickering across

    this uni-verse

    as a lily


    a slayer of men

    she wares a sense of self

    openly as a wild forest

    raging in waves along

    the feet of mountains

    a new coat of contentment

    with a vintage sense of the seeking sage

    she is a puzzle as troubling as an autumn maze

    yet the conflict will be in her sense of justice


    the pursuits her grasps reach for

    will eye witness without

    a word of warning

    or do eye wait

    to sea

    the oceans

    of fate’s






    sword sway in the waiting exhale

    as the hands tremble with words

    who will eye point at with nigh sight


    my life is one grand social experiment

    it is why I work where I work

    since it throws pretty random

    numbers at me……

    and like all good experiments

    I do have a control group

    which is my family


    in being the lapse in orbit

    running down the width of mi’

    a sister the realm of pi

    she grinds the sands

    into miles of deeps

    curves of an



    a wisp drifting between

    a firefly whispers

    of spirit plumes

    as the smoking earth

    seas & saws

    echoes of photons

    to soaring suns


    with a

    flaring tongue

    weaving spells

    in hymns

    of the rumblings

    that shattered

    the will of


    into thirty six paths

    with forty two answers


    grow eleven grasps

    with just one question”


    life or a life

    the ohmms

    have spoken

    yet will

    there be




    to spark

    a new



    the densest of gravity’s songs

    death or a death

    the mantras

    have been written

    yet would there be

    enough thought

    to stir the glass

    at the reach

    of fate’s





    one is a set that keep adding

    the other a set that keeps minussing

    would there be a point in crossing

    other then one… only

    if one believes

    in the zero


    fate smiles as it offers me a drink

    all the while knowing I will get drunk

    waking hung over with a thirst

    fate offers me a drink

    eye can not resist

    the curves



    of this river

    how it calls to me

    glintingly in the distance

    torn from the corners

    of seduction’s


    melting any reserve

    so too a summer’s snow coloured embers

    brushed along by the whims of zephyrs

    melts the white cape of a mountain’s resolve

    luring eye to a seeping state

    as the wine pours into the breath

    of the witness to the roar of truth

    as the lionweed stands ready

    to embrace the flames

    of not just

    any ale”

    but the dark roots

    of mystery’s gaze

    ™Deyja of the omens™

July 18, 2010

  • sword of swords the fifth of wheels shines the aero’s eyes

    eye could not face../..mirror of oceans lorn

    deyja of the omens../..a child of deyja stumbling along the path

    from moth to albatross ../.. marble murmurs of a mOon

    the gravity of the day as a son of a sun bares the weight of empty ships


July 13, 2010

  • in this world the doors are windows

    from roads smoothed by steel

    to paths carved from the flowing friction

    eye sea empty ships

    feeling ill as the sway of strength returns to me

    the panting breath of summer’s glaring gaze upon my core

    eye shoulder once again another’s kingdom


June 22, 2010

  • a witness with no one to accounts

    in this time in my life having no one around is a blessing….yet it does kill the desire to speak….even to type…..as most of my energy lately has been placed in perfecting my kata…..for the past 8 years i have been 200-240lbs 100-120kg…..now i am 180lbs this did not happen in 8 years but in two months…..bob asked me to give him the bob he will need….since he will rule for the next 10 years……as eye have ruled for the past 9.5 years….i have 6 months left to give him what he has asked for…..the problem is i never planned to lose 40lbs in 2 months….i went from 220 to 180 in two months…..and if your wondering how one can do this…live 27 hour days…awake for 22 a sleep 5 ….and always keep moving one if not all part of your body……but most of all do not lift weights….i do not mean not to lift anything….just don’t life anything you don’t have to….i am happy and i am 180lbs cos i haveb’t been under 200lbs since i was in 7th grade…..but i worry i have lost more then i should have at this speed…..my last bmi said my body fat% was 37%…….now it says 23.2%….so it is not like i haven’t lost what i wanted but i worry if my heart has lost mass…since it is very hard to regain mass there

June 13, 2010

  • reasons why i am a funny guy….or why people tell me i should do comedy….its cos i don’t believe in god the way anyone else does….as most of the greats don’t believe in god at all if not waving it off as something left for fools….as eye am close but not like them…..i believe in a god….in many gods really….just the way they all form together in my mind is like one seeing an unchallenged view of the night sky….

June 12, 2010

  • here is something for everyone to mull over


    if one is 80% of the day a great person to be around…that 20% still make you an 100% asshole

    how can i say this and be so sure….cos take it in this form and say i am wrong…if i gave you 80% of a glass full of ice cold beer….and then added 20% of pee….is it still a drink or has it become trash?